Please register online https://folar.org/cleanup/#Register
See you there!
(scenes from last year’s 2016 cleanup… this year will probably see much more garbage thanks to the recent rains…)
Please register online https://folar.org/cleanup/#Register
See you there!
(scenes from last year’s 2016 cleanup… this year will probably see much more garbage thanks to the recent rains…)
Looking at a Southern California Automobile Club map of the Los Angeles Freeway system from a few years back, it’s easy to see how freeways have affected the Los Angeles community, and not in a good way. Granted – these roads have made our commute faster – or have...
California has more horse-flesh and more horse people than any place in the country outside of Kentucky… And the holy ground, the mystic Mecca, the sanctified gathering place for the initiate is out Griffith Park way, north of Los Feliz Blvd., along the banks of that...
Of the many scientific surveys and studies Friends of Griffith Park (FoGP) has sponsored over the last decade-plus, the Los Angeles Raptor Study is the standout in both the scale of data collected and the duration of study period. Many thousands of data-points have...