For the safety and ongoing wellness of ALL PARK USERS, and especially those who protect the park, please pay attention to updated information on closures in Griffith Park.
Note: Below is a timeline with the most current information at top.
Parks remain open under normal operating hours and some interior facilities remain closed. Recreation centers remain closed except City-sponsored programs. Masks are required at all City sponsored youth programs and at indoor City-sponsored programs.
OUTDOOR SPORTS FIELDS (reservations are required)
GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY (Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Public restrooms are open during regular operating hours.
INDOOR BASKETBALL COURTS (except as permitted)
for more information:
CURRENTLY as of May 1, 2021
Many Park venues are now open for business, although at reduced capacity due to COVID-19. Restrictions are still in effect throughout Park venues, and on trails. (Mask wearing, social distancing)
If you’re planning an outing in the Park, please go to EXPLORE GRIFFITH PARK for further information regarding hours of operation, etc.
Playgrounds Are Now Reopened
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
After parents and some legislators objected, California will now keep playground open despite a surge in coronavirus cases. According to the updated state guidance, “playgrounds may remain open to facilitate physically distance personal health and wellness through outdoor exercise.”
Face covers are essential and parents and caregivers should regularly sanitize youngsters’ hands before and after they use communal play equipment. Families are also encouraged to avoid overcrowded playgrounds and maintain physical distance from other households.
Playgrounds & Fitness Areas Have Been Closed
Monday, November 30, 2020
Today we received word from Rec and Parks that ALL Griffith Park Playgrounds and Fitness Areas are closed in response to the uptick of Covid-19 cases in Los Angeles. Please follow the guidelines and stay safe.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
While many in Los Angeles are adhering to official requests for social distancing and wearing of masks when passing others along trailheads, the number of Covid 19 cases continues to increase in CA. LA’s Department of Public Health has compiled information on their website regarding the latest numbers.
An article from today’s LA Times spells out some of the latest restrictions. “It imposes new occupancy limits on businesses, such as personal care and retail, but does not close them. Beaches, trails and parks will remain open, but gatherings of people from more than one household at those sites are banned.”
LA’s Recreation and Parks MAY reimpose closures to limit the number of Park users, so please be aware when making your plans for a hike or meet-up in Griffith Park.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
An article in the LA Times warns the Griffith Park Wisdom Tree trail has been CLOSED by Park Rangers due to heavy unmasked use.
We may see a return to a Park closed by the impacts of COVID 19 if folks choose to ignore the rules… so, Wear a Mask, Social Distance and Limit Group Size!
Saturday, July 4, 2020
We received word last night that due to a spike in coronavirus cases, Runyon Canyon is closed for the weekend. Will update once we get word. In the meantime, please observe social distancing on Griffith Park trails and wear a mask in order to keep this Park open.
If you come to the Park this Fourth of July (7.4.2020) weekend…
Large crowds are anticipated in and around Griffith Park’s parking lots, roads and trails, so bring your patience along with picnic supplies. Griffith Park entrances — including Fern Dell and Bronson Canyon — will be monitored by Park Rangers who can close the Park at any time. Yes. ANY TIME.
Also and most importantly… open fires are not allowed anywhere in this Park. Limited BBQ pits are available on a first-come, first-serve basis at the Crystal Springs Picnic Area. Remember to dispose of hot coals in containers specific for this purpose which are next to the BBQ pits.
Vehicle entry to Griffith Park is again CLOSED as there are multitudes of individuals recreating.
Please be aware it may be difficult to find parking along roadways leading into the Park so adjust accordingly. As of today (Sunday), many parking lots along the eastern edge of Griffith Park are still closed to the public, so curb parking fills up quickly.
GRIFFITH PARK PARK STATUS Thursday, June 4, 2020
Griffith Park and Runyon Canyon Park will be open June 4 from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Park gates will begin closing at 5:00 p.m. to help ensure that everyone exits the parks by 6:00 p.m. These hours are based on law enforcement, public health guidelines and curfew parameters for parks and public spaces.
Please note: these times may change or park closures may occur at any given time based on the current events taking place.
GRIFFITH PARK PARK STATUS for Wednesday, June 3, 2020
We’ve been informed that Griffith Park and Runyon Canyon Park will be open June 3, 2020 between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
This means Park security will begin closing park gates at 4:00 p.m. to help ensure everyone exits these parks by 5:00 p.m. Hours are based on law enforcement, public health guidelines and curfew parameters for parks and public spaces.
Also, please note times may change or park closures may occur at any given time based on the current events taking place.
Stay Safe!
Today FoGP received the latest information from Park Services Supervisor Sean Hinton regarding Griffith Park. Please note: changes to these hours may change at any time.
Good afternoon, I hope everyone is doing well. Griffith Park and Runyon Canyon Park will be open tomorrow, June 2, 2020 between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
We will begin closing park gates at 5:00 p.m. to help ensure everyone exits the parks by 6:00 p.m. These hours are based on law enforcement, public health guidelines and curfew parameters for parks and public spaces.
Please note that these times may change or park closures may occur at any given time based on the current events taking place. I want to thank everyone for their support.
Thank you.
All entrances to Griffith Park remain closed. The closure includes cars, bikes, walkers, hikers, golfers, and nearby residents. We believe the current unrest situation ignited by the senseless attack on George Floyd in Minneapolis is the reason for the closure. Hopefully constructive protest will return, and counterproductive destruction to our City and its people will end.
At least for today, Sunday, all of Griffith Park is closed. The closure includes cars, bikes, walkers, hikers, and nearby residents. We believe the current unrest situation ignited by the senseless attack on George Floyd in Minneapolis is the reason for the closure. Hopefully constructive protest will return, and counterproductive destruction to our City and its people will end.
PARK CLOSURES — Weekend of May 30, 2020
While hikers, bikers and golfers are allowed in the Park, vehicles are being turned away in various locales including Bronson Canyon, Fern Dell (at Red Oak Dr.) and the entry point just past the LA Zoo/Autry. Please be advised you might not make it if you intended on having a picnic in Crystal Springs or another area. The reason for the closure: apparently too many are coming into the Park and there are a number of individuals not wearing masks, and disregarding the social distance rules currently in place.
Expect demand for hiking in Griffith Park over the weekend to be heavy. Vehicle traffic on Vermont Canyon to Western Canyon Road is now open. However, be forewarned that parking on Western Canyon Road is $15/hour. Parking at Greek Theatre is free. Section 9 parking lot north of Trails in Fern Dell has also reopened. Eastern side of park has no further changes with picnic grounds and parking lots open.
Most trails remain open, with some exceptions: Bee Rock Trail is closed above the Old Zoo area. The Burbank Peak Trail to the “Wisdom Tree” and Eileen Getty Trail are closed.
A contingency plan in place this weekend to close vehicle traffic at the Greek Theatre (Vermont) and at Section 9 parking lot if those areas become too busy with vehicles. We are told there will be increased Security Officers / Rangers on patrol. More signs and banners are being made for placing at busy trails to encourage mask and distancing rules.
Observatory Road is currently closed to vehicles, but may be the next area to reopen. When it does, the parking lot there will also be charging $15/hour.
Runyon Canyon Park remains closed, so more hiker traffic is pushed to Griffith.
REOPENING GRIFFITH PARK – Update for May 9, 2020 per RAP
This weekend we are expecting great weather and large crowds in Griffith Park. The Department of Recreation and Parks along with Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) and Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) have worked together to develop a vehicle traffic plan which will keep vehicles moving and park patrons safe.
- Fern Dell Road will be closed at Los Feliz Boulevard from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you are a resident, please advise the Ranger or LADOT Traffic Officer at the intersection and they will provide access. This closure will help emergency response vehicles into Griffith Park without the impediment of vehicular traffic. Pedestrian traffic will be permitted in order they might access trails.
Los Feliz at Hillhurst and Vermont Avenue Intersections:
- Los Feliz at Hillhurst and Vermont Avenue will remain open to vehicle traffic leading into Griffith Park. LADOT Traffic Officers will be posted at these intersections to help keep traffic moving. LADOT Traffic Officers will close northbound vehicle traffic only in the event of an emergency or if safety issues arise.
Parking near the Greek Theatre and Griffith Observatory:
- Vehicles entering through the Vermont Gate will be able to park at the following locations; Greek Theatre Lot G, Boy Scout Road and Roosevelt Golf (golfers only). Vehicles will not be permitted to go beyond Greek Theatre Lot G.
- Griffith Observatory parking lot and Western Canyon Road will continue to remain closed for vehicle access.
REOPENING GRIFFITH PARK – Update for May 8, 2020
If you visit Griffith Park, know certain restrictions are in place: This Mother’s Day weekend, Fern Dell will be closed at Los Feliz Boulevard to vehicular traffic; pedestrians are OK. Rangers will be on site to allow residents access. It will be closed due to the importance of allowing emergency fire and rescue access. Vermont Canyon will be open, allowing some parking at the Greek Theatre parking area. Be careful not to park your car and block fire road access points. RAP and Park Rangers will be closely monitoring crowds/physical distancing and can make any modifications at any time. Stay safe, keep your hiking companions and others safe and the Park will remain open.
- All major venues and facilities (the Observatory, LA Zoo, golf courses, playgrounds, etc.) are closed
- All dirt trails/fireroads and trailheads are closed
- Most paved roads are open for walking where normally there was (or currently is) civilian vehicular traffic. However, Bronson Canyon is closed for everything.
- Some major accesses are closed to vehicular access, such as Vermont gate and Fern Dell at the bridge. Griffith Park Drive is sometimes closed between Travel Town and Mineral Wells.
- A limited number of parking lots are available — see the list below for current situation.
Parking lots open:
- Large Merry-go-round parking lots above Park Central area
- Autry Museum
- Limited parking near Old Zoo
- Limited parking at non-gated Pony Rides lot
- Street parking on roads which are open
Parking lots closed:
- Large Zoo lot and nearby Zoo Magnet lot
- Train Ride / Pony Ride gated lot
- Travel Town lot
- Mineral Wells lot
- Wilson/Harding Golf Course and Clubhouse
- Fern Dell lot (Road is closed for vehicles to it)
Roosevelt Golf Course (Road is closed for vehicles to it)
Greek Theatre (Road is closed for vehicles to it)
Observatory (Roads are closed for vehicles to it)
Please respect ALL closed trails signs. We aware that there are Rangers trail patrols, an LAPD unit on electric bikes, and LAPD equestrian units throughout the park. We don’t want to jeopardize the privilege of hiking on the paved roads. Even if we can only hike on a few paved roads, that’s a whole lot better than facing a complete shutdown of Griffith Park. Remember physical distancing. Stay at least six feet away from other people. Make sure all pets are on-leash.
ROADWAYS IN GRIFFITH PARK – Last Updated: April 5, 2020
Griffith Park Drive is open to walkers, bicyclists and vehicles, but we really hope vehicles and hikers/bicyclists are courteous of one another, especially during these times. Many parking lots are closed above the Zoo (including Zoo parking lots). If a roadway is closed by LA RAP, you will not be allowed if you’re driving a vehicle.
CITYWIDE PARK CLOSURES – Last Updated: March 27, 2020
In response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and in accordance with the most recent LA County Department of Public and Health orders, and the Mayor’s Safer at Home directives, the Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks (RAP) provides the following update on programming, events, facilities, park amenities and usage.
UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, the following remain closed to the public:
All recreation centers are closed.
All recreation and cultural programming, indoor and outdoor sports leagues, aquatics classes, instructional courses and group sessions are cancelled.
All aquatic facilities are closed.
All golf courses are closed.
All indoor & outdoor sport amenities are closed. This includes all skate parks, tennis courts, playgrounds, baseball fields, turf & natural soccer fields, and basketball courts.
All recreational group sports or activities are prohibited.
All public hiking trails and trailheads in the City of Los Angeles are closed.
All equestrian-only trails remain open with practiced social distancing.
The Venice Beach Pier is closed.
All public beaches, public beach parking lots, beach bathrooms, piers and beach access points are closed.
The Venice Beach Boardwalk/Ocean Front Walk is closed — with limited access to essential businesses.
The following Griffith Park areas are closed: the Observatory, Travel Town, Train Rides, the Pony Rides and the Merry Go Round, all trails and trailheads and some access entry roads.
The Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, Sherman Oaks Castle, and the EXPO Center are closed.
Access to census stations will be permitted, but there shall be no more than 10 people at a time in the facility.
All senior citizen centers remain closed. Home delivered meals will continue to be delivered to seniors enrolled in LA City Department of Aging program. To enroll in this program, please call 213-482-7252. The Department of Aging is reachable Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm for more information regarding meal services.
Restrooms accessible to the outdoors will remain open during regular operating hours.
All events and permits at all RAP sites or locations are canceled.
New reservations for facilities or permits at RAP locations will be temporarily suspended.
All Dog Parks remain open subject to mandatory social distancing requirements.
Parks still remain open for walking or running; however, when visiting a park for exercise or respite, you MUST adhere to the City’s Safer at Home social distancing directives and must not participate in recreational group sports or activities that are incompatible with the City’s social distancing mandates.
As one of Los Angeles’ gems, Griffith Park may face closure, due to the increasing problems associated with coronavirus.
While Friends of Griffith Park is getting information up as quickly as possible, we MUST emphasize the importance of MAINTAINING YOUR DISTANCE when hiking or recreating in this park. This is for your safety as well as the safety of others.
Because fire roads in Griffith Park are wide and accommodating, this shouldn’t be a problem for hikers. But the situation remains fluid with closures of Bronson Canyon, Griffith Observatory sidewalks and trails connecting to it, as well as surrounding parks like Runyon Canyon (completely) and the Lake Hollywood loop (sporadic closures). It’s imperative to remain courteous and vigilant of everyone on trails and if this park is closed, please STAY OUT!
Mayor Garcetti and City Attorney Mike Feuer have indicated there will be strong enforcement of the City’s “Safer at Home” emergency order, which will require Angelenos to remain in their residences in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re waiting to see if this order will be implemented.
In the meantime, STAY TUNED for further details on closures and, here’s a link to an LA Times article on responsible recreating.
How About An Update on roads for a vehicle to drive around in and view sites…….
Around and about Griffith Park.
Your trail closure photo is not correct and should be taken down. It’s July 2nd today and I spoke with the
Griffith Park dispatcher who said the trails are open.
The trails are currently open, but keep in mind, this could quickly change. We’ve changed the photo to the signage placed at various places in the Park to remind users that behavior will impact others.
I wanted to go hikeing at the old zoo tomarrow July 12 Sunday will trails be open and parking thank you for any info