Travel has certainly come a very long way in the past 200+ years. Planes, trains and automobiles have increased our ability to get from Point A to Point B breathtakingly fast. Roadways zigzag through communities while interstate freeways traverse the country....
How did your family get to California and when did they arrive? These are just some of the questions explored at an Anza Trail Ambassador training session held in May. National Park Service Interpretive Specialist Hale Sargent presented a workshop entitled...
Spring 2012 Working with the National Park Service to enhance a Griffith Park asset The year is 1775. In October, forty soldiers and 240 civilians under the command of Captain Juan Bautista de Anza set out from the presidio at Tubac, Arizona to colonize...
Fall 2013 Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) of the National ParService, to help preserve and enhance the historic Anza Trail in Griffith Park. National Park Service RTCA program supports community-led natural resource conservation and...
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