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P-22 Day 2019!

CATEGORY: Historical Archives |
On Oct 4, 2019

Hope you can attend this great event celebrating
Griffith Park’s resident mountain lion P-22
Sat., Oct 19, 2019 — Festivities kick-off at 11 am

Look for Friends of Griffith Park …
We’re in booths 46-47 — Come on over and say hi!

First of all, over 6,000 people attended the P-22 Day Festival last year, and thousands more attended events throughout Urban Wildlife Week in the leadup to P-22 Day.

The P-22 hike group, led by Beth Pratt from National Wildlife Federation into Park Central will open the festivities, and if you’ve not witnessed this trek into Park Central in the past, it’s quite inspiring. The group hikes from Agoura Hills and is joined by students from various area schools for the last leg of the hike. Tracked virtually by people worldwide, this journey from the birthplace of P-22 illustrates how the promise of connectivity is integral not just for the future of mountain lions, but for all wildlife such as salamanders, birds and even butterflies.

Organizations attending the Oct. 19th event include National Wildlife Federation, National Park Service, Friends of Griffith Park, Santa Monica Mountains Conservatory, Mountain Recreation and Conservation Authority, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks, Baker Group : plus many more organizations and individuals.

This community-wide festival honors the world’s most famous mountain lion who entered Griffith Park in 2012 and includes over 100 exhibitors, a virtual reality cinema, rock-climbing wall, children’s art activities, and much more! Ranger Rick and “P-22” will be making appearances, along with many other special surprise guests.

You can also dance to live music from 3rd Rock Hip Hop and other cool bands… a very exciting day for each and everyone who attends!



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