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Help Keep Griffith Park Access Open to the Public!

CATEGORY: Current Events · In the News |
On Apr 7, 2017

ACCESS-RLet the City Know the Importance of Open Access to Griffith Park Trails for Everyone!

The City announced that on April 18th it would permanently close the Griffith Park access trailhead at the top of Beachwood Drive and divert Griffith Park hikers and tourists away from Beachwood Canyon over to Bronson Canyon and Vermont Canyon.

While the closure has occurred, residents, hikers and concerned citizens are hopeful the petition will encourage Los Angeles City to rethink their position, and reopen the access point.

Your input can be very helpful


How did this happen? … a little history lesson

On March 13, we learned of the City’s decision to close access to the Hollyridge Trailhead above Beachwood Canyon in response to Superior Court Judge Elizabeth Feffer’s ruling in the Sunset Ranch Hollywood Stables vs. City of Los Angeles court case. But the City’s decision to close the gate not only seems unjustified by the Judge’s ruling, it seems to be in direct contradiction to the actual ruling.

Judge Feffer determined that Sunset Ranch does not have an exclusive right to the access road that leads to the trailhead and therefore, cannot exclude members of the public from utilizing the road, and the City must provide public pedestrian access to the Trail at a point very near the Beachwood Gate. In response, the City decided instead to close the Trailhead at Beachwood Canyon completely.

We sincerely hope that the Mayor, Councilman David Ryu, and Parks General Manager Mike Shull act swiftly to turn back this disruptive move by the City Attorney’s office before it becomes permanent and closes off forever this historic access to Griffith Park for the many members of the public who enjoy it.

The local residential associations listed below support not closing the Beachwood Gate to the Hollyridge Trail. If you agree, join those residents, hikers and park users from all over LA on Saturday, April 15, 12 Noon at the end of Beachwood Drive. Let the City know you favor keeping all Griffith Park trailhead access points open to the public.

Call all your friends and bring them to this event!

Oaks Homeowners Association
Lake Hollywood Homeowners Association
Los Feliz Improvement Association
Beachwood Canyon Neighborhood Association

Please note: because of neighborhood parking restrictions at the north end of Beachwood Drive, we cannot park cars near the site.
Alternatively: Take a DASH bus from lower Beachwood to Beachwood Village, only .7 miles from the gate. DASH runs every 25 minutes with stops along the way.
Use a ride-share car (Lyft or Uber)
Park on lower Beachwood and walk up
Bicycle to the site
Hike from Bronson Canyon (Canyon Drive) over via the Hollyridge Trail, over two miles
– or – Ask a friend or family member to drive you and others to the site and drop you there
Rally Signs: Bring a sign with your personal message or slogan so folks down at City Hall understand how you feel!

Your voice needs to be heard.
Contact: CD4 Councilmember David Ryu Phone: (213) 473-7004
LA Rec and Parks General Manager Mike Shull Phone: (213) 202-2633

In 2014 Friends of Griffith Park weighed in on the city’s proposal to close pedestrian access during the gate construction phase, which was a very different story from what is now being presented as RAP’s final decision. Read FoGPs 2014 letter.

more information on the closure is available here…



  1. Brian

    There are many ways to access the park other than this particular gate.

    Please consider that accessing the park from the other gates that have resources for parking and can accommodate traffic is better and safer for everyone.

    Visitor’s experience entering Griffith Park will certainly improve if they are spending more time walking among the amazing wildlife rather than being in their car looking for parking or trying to make a u-turn on narrow residential streets.


    I cannot attend the Gate Closing discussion on April 15th, so is there anything I can do/sign online that would help the efforts to keep the park gate open? Please let m,e know if there is an online campaign running as well. Thanks ~ Linda Fleishman


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