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Celebrating Anza’s Expedition in Griffith Park

Celebrating Anza’s Expedition in Griffith Park

The story of Juan Bautista de Anza’s expedition through California in 1775-76 marked the moment when Spain was able to thwart attempts by Russians to lay claim to the San Francisco Bay area. On this 1,200 mile trip from Mexico, the expedition passed through the...
Discover the Anza Trail in Griffith Park

Discover the Anza Trail in Griffith Park

In 1775-76, an expedition of soldiers led by Juan Bautista de Anza set off from Sonora, Mexico to establish a garrison in the San Francisco Bay area and lay claim to the lands for Spain. Please join us as we commemorate the 1,200 mile Juan Bautista de Anza Expedition...
Northward Along the Anza Trail

Northward Along the Anza Trail

How did your family get to California and when did they arrive? These are just some of the questions explored at an Anza Trail Ambassador training session held in May. National Park Service Interpretive Specialist Hale Sargent presented a workshop entitled...
The Griffith Park Juan Bautista De Anza Trail Project

The Griffith Park Juan Bautista De Anza Trail Project

Fall 2013   Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program (RTCA) of the National ParService, to help preserve and enhance the historic Anza Trail in Griffith Park. National Park Service RTCA program supports community-led natural resource conservation and...
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