We’re celebrating National Public Lands Day by removing Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) and Indian Tobacco (Lobelia inflata) from the trail near the Tregnan Golf Academy. Park in the Train/Pony Rides Parking Lot and then walk across the street to the picnic table where FoGP will have a Welcome Table set-up. Before anyone may volunteer in Griffith Park, they must first complete a Volunteer Agreement which will also be available at the table, if you have not already completed this form. You will be able to sign-in and receive safety instruction and directions to the site. After brief remarks about the project, we’ll head up the Cadman Trail next to the Golf Academy and divide into small groups to tackle the invasive plants. Invasive plants will be cut down, with seed pods carefully cut off and bagged. These cut plants will be hauled off by Maintenance Division of the City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks. The seed pods will be placed into trash cans. We’re focusing our efforts on several acres!
We strongly recommend that everyone wear closed-toed shoes or boots, long pants, a hat, and sunscreen. We always supply work gloves and water, but if you have your own gloves and water container, please bring them. We will have a limited amount of pruning tools so if you have gardening pruning tools such as hand pruners, loppers, tree limb saws, bow saws, and or pole pruners, we ask that you please bring them.
If we get sufficient numbers of folks volunteering on this day, we should be able to remove all invasives in the lower area, and we may be able to move higher up the trail to other areas of invasive plants.
Hope to see you out in the Park for this event!
Check out the NEEF website for more information about this, and other events… https://www.neefusa.org/news/registration-national-public-lands-day-2024-volunteer-events-now-open